What is Included?
Course Overview
Course Curriculum
In this course, you will learn how to design a TURF in the context of a lobster and grouper fishery in Manggis Bay. After meeting members of the local Management Committee and hearing about the challenges faced by fishery stakeholders, you will work with the Management Committee to develop a plan for sustainable management. Through this exercise, you will learn first-hand about:
Principles and Design Features of TURFs
Common Attributes of TURFs
TURF Design Process Steps
Defining Management Goals
Determining Biological Scale of TURFs
Delineating TURF Boundaries
Incorporating No-Take Reserves
Selecting Controls on Fishing Mortality
Selecting Eligible TURF Participants and Defining Harvest Privileges
Adaptive Administration and Management of TURFs
Additional Courses
Introduction to Fisheries Management
CourseThe eight chapters contained in this series provide an opportunity to diagnose fishery challenges and help design a solution in a hypothetical fishery. You can take this course to build your fundamentals in fisheries science, economics, and policy.
Data-Limited Fisheries Management
CourseHow can managers design effective fisheries management when fishery data are limited? In this set of eleven chapters, you will learn and apply each of the eleven steps of EDF's FISHE framework in a hypothetical fishery.