What is Included?
Course Overview
Course Curriculum
In this course, you will explore the basics of data-limited fisheries management in the context of the Little Cay fishery. After learning about the fishery and hearing stakeholders articulate their short- and long-term goals for their marine resources, you will learn about:
Ecosystem Assessments
Vulnerability Assessments
Initial Stock Assessment Methods
Prioritizing Species for Further Assessment
Identifying Performance Indicators and Reference Points
Interpreting Different Performance Scenarios
Harvest Control Rules
Detailed Assessment Methods
Interpreting Assessment Results
Implementation and Adaptation
Framework for Integrated Stock and Habitat Evaluation
Additional Courses
Introduction to Fisheries Management
CourseThe eight chapters contained in this series provide an opportunity to diagnose fishery challenges and help design a solution in a hypothetical fishery. You can take this course to build your fundamentals in fisheries science, economics, and policy.
Territorial Use Rights for Fishing
CourseTerritorial Use Rights for Fishing (TURFs) are an area-based management approach. In this six-chapter course series, you will learn about TURF design, explore examples of TURFs around the world and will help design a TURF in a hypothetical fishery.