What is Included?

Course Overview

Climate change and overfishing are increasingly straining fisheries and marine ecosystems, putting marine biodiversity, the nutrition of people in coastal communities and global food supply at greater risk. By taking this course, you will learn about how to build more resilient fishing communities and coastal ecosystems, even in the face of climate change.


  • Module 1: Effects of climate change on oceans, fisheries, and communities

  • Module 2: Principles for climate resilient fisheries

  • Module 3: Adaptive management & governance

  • Module 4: Shifting stocks and transboundary management

  • Module 5: Ecosystem-based management for resilience

  • Module 6: Equity issues and solutions in climate-impacted fisheries

  • Module 7: Overcoming barriers in resource-constrained contexts and the SSF Hub

  • Module 8: Meeting food and nutritional needs in a climate-impacted world